Friday, June 18, 2010


I think that the trends of any job in the military, especially an Engineer, will be in high demand, and have better paying salaries due to many reasons of the job being more useful.

Demographics - With the baby boomers retiring from all jobs out there, almost all jobs are going to have high demand. So I believe, and know, that the military will want more people, as the most experienced older troops, are retiring. This means the military will want more people to get recruited, and the salary will be raised, so I believe the trends will be positive.

Technology - I believe that the trends that are happening now, and the future trends, will be very positive, because engineers use technology for anything they do on the job, whether making a strategic plan, or searching for mines/bombs.

Globalization - A big help, and impact on being a Military Engineer, is globalization. It has helped develop the job thus far, and will always help make the job more important. Satellites are a big technology in warfare, because you can transmit messages, find enemies, and intercept enemies radios.

Information Age -

Environment- The military is not helping so much with the worlds health envirironment, but it still has a positive impact on a safe society, and security. It helps the society because having a strong army helps keep our society under control, and feeling secure.

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