Monday, June 21, 2010

Reflective Response

Careers class has infact helped me think of a catagory in the field of work. It has given me a range to work with, jobs that would suit my personality, and narrowed down which careers I would do best at and like the most. I have chosen to be a Military Engineer, and I believe careers has helped so much in picking my chosen career, because of online tests, and help from professionals.

My interests are mostly hands on, because I am a very hands on person. However I am also a pretty informational person. I think that being both a hands on person, and an informational person is great for being a Military Engineer because you need to be very informational, and the whole job is pretty much hands on.

I learn quickly from my mistakes, and always take on a new learning subject as a challenge. I never back down from a challenge, which helps me learn stuff quick, and effectively. This would help me in being a Military Engineer, because the military is always getting new technology and equipment, and always looking for people like me to get them figured out to show other people how to use them.

I have a very rational personality type, which makes me tend to be pragmatic, skeptical, self-contained, and focused on problem-solving and systems analysis. I pride myself on being ingenious, independent, and strong willed. I can be a reasonable person, individualizing parent, and strategic leader. I trust technology, and am always seeking knowledge. This helps prove that being a Military Engineer would be an ideal job. I think it would be ideal because you always have to problem solve, I have to be reasonable, strategic, great with technology, and I have to be intelligent.

My personal and work value mostly leans on wanting status and recognition. This ties in with my career because in the military, your job is based on status and recognition. You get promoted with ranks, and the better rank, the better recognition. Having a better rank also gives you better pay, and financial reward being my second highest personal/work value, really ties in with my job, because being more successful means a better salary. So if you have your mind set to status and recognition, you should make it good in the military.

I have a very logical intelligence, which would definitely help me in being a Military Engineer. It would help keep me down to earth. This would help because a lot of people in the military lose their mind with everyone dying around them and having doubt. I also do good under pressure, which would help me in both moments of war, and strategically planning for upcoming battles. So I believe having a logical intelligence shows how great I would fit into my job.

My kiersy test result of being a rational person really will help me in getting a job in either the military, or close enough job to being a Military Engineer. I just want to stress that being rational in the Military will help keep you alive, and not act stupidly. Having a strong mind always thinking about what could happen next is what is NEEDED in the military, ESPECIALLY being a Military Engineer.

In conclusion I think being a Military Engineer would be the suitable career for my choice, because my personality would really help me be a successful Military Engineer. It helps in almost every aspect from thinking smart and not getting myself killed, to predicting what could happen next, to keeping myself from the breaking point of insanity.

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